Digital Energy
Supply of digital technologies for monitoring and managing electricity flows (Smart Metering, Demand-Response and Demand Side Management technologies, monitoring/awareness applications, Energy Communities/CACER, Local Flexibility Services). Possibility of customization and white-labeling.
Energy monitoring and control system
We design and build systems to monitor and control sources of electricity and electrical loads: hardware and software devices with functions as Peripheral Monitoring Unit (UPM), battery controller, telecommunication, algorithms and data processing for aggregator (or BSP Balancing Service Provider) for energy dispatching services and network balancing.
These technologies are part of a scenario (Green new Deal) characterized in UE by the Clean Energy Package where a key role is played by Demand-Response technologies for balancing services required by energy operators also aggregated in energy communities. The small-scale power generation sources (DER, Distributed Energy Resources) will play a key role: solar energy will allow more and more consumers to become “prosumers” and, thanks to storage systems (batteries), “active prosumer” can become the active elements of the system.
In this way, the classic supplier-consumer relationship changes and the exchange of information and cooperation become increasingly important: this is where Tera’s solutions are positioned.

IoT devices for Demand Response in Smart Grids
We offer IoT solutions based on Edge Computers.
Modular and custom solutions
Beeta™ MoCo: field controller, it manages energy assets reading the measurements provided and executing the modulation commands on “batteries”, BESS (Battery Energy Management System), and modular loads. It communicates via modem-router to the “concentrator” software and works in retrofit also on existing systems of different brands and models.
Beeta™ MoCo + Edge Computer (GIoE or Beeta Box + sensors and actuators from marketplace: electrical, environmental sensors, etc. ..): in this configuration the edge computer enables a complete smart asset management.
Beeta™ MoCo, with or without Edge Computer, + Beeta™ Reader allow Demand-Response functionalities as mentioned above and smart meter reading (billed meter reading).
SW for interoperability with Concentrators and third-party application SW + UI both web-browser and mobile app where all types algorithms can be implemented for different applications, ie for the detection of energy consumption and production.