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Here are some R&D projects for energy efficiency, renewable energy, environmental monitoring, ICT and mechatronics.

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Project INCUBE – An INClUsive toolBox for accElerating and smartening deep renovation Sector Smart building Duration 48 months Test sites 3 demonstration sites: Zaragoza (Spain), Trento (Italy), Groningen (Netherlands) Objective The project aims to unlock the EU's renovation wave through processes based on industrialization, innovative renewable energy production and storage technologies, digitization, and new market operators. All this while considering social inclusion, skills enhancement, and the promotion of women's roles in the construction sector. Partners The InCUBE project brings together 23 high-profile partners and two affiliated entities from 7 European countries. The project is funded by the European Union's "Horizon Europe" research and innovation program. Funded Project This project is funded by the European Union with reference to grant agreement no. 101069610

Green Mill

Project Green Mill Advice/Measure/tender Public Notice “Innonetwork”del Puglia FESR – FSE 2014-2020 – Fondo Europeo Sviluppo Regionale, Azione 1.6 C Code of Practice: N7P89U5 Partner Tera Srl, Idea75 Srl, Gem Ict R&D Srl, Poliba Testing sites Polytechnic of Bari, Casillo Group plant in Corato Description The GreenMill 4.0 project aims at the realization of a hardware/software system aimed at the continuous improvement of energy efficiency and at the optimization of milling production processes in an Industry 4.0 key. Result The system will be applied to the production plants of flour and semolina belonging to the Casillo Group, world leader in the sector and final user of the project. The final goal is to reduce the environmental impact and operating costs of mills through the reduction of energy consumption of plants, production waste and inefficiencies of machinery and processes.


Study, design, implementation, and field testing of a smart fertigation system capable of: Dosing the quantity and type of fertilizers to be used based on the value of certain environmental and soil parameters monitored by a network of sensors deployed in the field or sourced from external sources, and based on machine learning analyses; Allowing the consumer to control the quality of production based on certain information provided by the fertigation system (use of renewable energy sources, amount of water consumed, and types of fertilizers used) and accessible through a smart label applied to the product packaging. I partner Tera Srl, Software Design Srl, Asepa Energy Srl


Progetto REHOUSE – Renovation packagEs for HOlistic improvement of EU’s bUildingS Efficiency, maximizing RES generation and cost-effectiveness Settore Smart building Duration 48 months Sites 4 selected building in Italy, Greek, France e Hungary. Goal The main result of REHOUSE is the increase in the scope and productivity of the renovation process, the improvement of comfort and satisfaction of the building inhabitants and users, and the increased use of integrated solutions for the decentralized generation of renewable energy. Proposed Action Over the course of next 4 years the project will develop 8 innovative and holistic solutions for efficient, cost-effective and sustainable renovation processes. The solutions would be deployed across 4 selected buildings in Greece, Italy, France, and Hungary respectively. This will include detailed designs, pilot set-up and demonstrations to validate the solutions. Expectations Augment the uptake of industrialized technology solutions, support the digitisation of the construction industry, apply circular principles across the whole value chain, introduce the use of safe, sustainable, and secondary raw material in the industry, attain recycling, reuse, and efficient waste management in the field of renovation. Funded project This Project is funded by the European Union with reference to the grant agreement no.101079951